


P4防护服务 (P4P) is a full-service security solutions provider for a wide range of organizations and markets located throughout the Chicago metropolitan area, 在全国范围内. P4P offers a boutique-style approach to customized integrated guarding solutions for commercial and residential building owners and managers in all verticals. Organizations and facilities that require highly-trained public security officers can look to P4P to provide individualized solutions that leverage cutting-edge security technology, 并结合分析, 培训, 咨询, 安全程序开发.

P4P被认为是十大网赌靠谱网址平台最专注于本地的安全解决方案提供商. With more than 250+ years of combined experience in the 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 and ABOMA market, the P4P leadership team doesn’t just say they have an ownership mentality - they are also principals and owners. 作为土生土长的十大网赌靠谱网址平台人, 每个执行团队成员都对细节有着最高的关注, a deep understanding of the local market and a relentless dedication to provide best-in-class security solutions without compromise. Other firms are unable to be as nimble in providing security services at such a high level due to their acquisitions by other global security firms.

P4P’s areas of focus include guarding solutions, strategic security solutions, and Rapid Response. 该公司深深扎根于它所服务的社区. 保护十大网赌靠谱网址平台地区财产的人员也住在当地, and therefore understand the unique needs and culture of each property they protect. P4P continues to pave a new path of security solutions and is leading the way into the next generation of security offerings – while simultaneously ushering in the next generation of expertly trained security professionals.

安全行业的多样性对P4P至关重要. 作为博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台首席合作伙伴, 这家公司将赚1美元,000 contribution to benefit the 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台基金会 for every new 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台-managed building in downtown Chicago transferred to P4P. This effort is in support of the Diversity Committee’s mission to recruit minority and underrepresented professionals, and to promote and assist them with opportunities to enter careers in 商业地产. P4P also aims to foster professional development for minority groups that include, 但不限于种族, 种族, LGBTQ和残疾人.

P4P’s leadership team is comprised of some of the most notable names in the security profession, 包括首席执行官兼联合创始人劳伦斯·多里亚, 首席运营官兼联合创始人亚当·约翰逊, 以及执行副总裁兼校长保罗·欧姆和史蒂夫·维塔勒.  了解更多十大网赌靠谱网址平台P4P执行团队的信息如下:

首席执行官兼联合创始人Lawrence Doria: 在开始P4P之前, Lawrence was the Chicago Area Vice President and Vice President of Business Development for Securitas Security Services USA. His responsibilities included the continued growth and successes of Securitas in the Chicagoland area where he oversaw a $90+ million portfolio. Lawrence还是Security Management的前总裁兼首席执行官 & 调查(SMI)和安全专业人员公司的前总裁. (SPI). 在将SMI和SPI出售给Securitas之前, 拉里在他的投资组合中拥有超过25%的BOMA高层市场. 32年来, he was responsible for the continued growth and success of both SMI and SPI’s multi-million-dollar security and investigation operations, supervising a workforce of thousands of security officers and off-duty law enforcement officers. Lawrence has worked tirelessly to raise the standards of the entire security industry.

As Chairman of the Board of the Illinois Security Professionals Association (ISPA), Larry has represented the organization at various state legislative and regulatory advisory meetings affecting the security industry in Illinois. 通过他的领导, the ISPA has established an effective relationship within the law enforcement security and 安全 communities. 这些联盟汇集了公共和私人机构, 专有的安全, and 安全 directors and governmental bodies to work together to improve the 安全 and security of the public.

亚当·约翰逊首席运营官兼联合创始人亚当•约翰逊: 在目标公司开始他的安全生涯, 亚当负责安全行动, 安全, 还有15年多的防损服务. 他管理的这个地区每年的收入超过4亿美元, 包括十大网赌靠谱网址平台北部和周边郊区. He then moved to the retail sector to provide retail contract security for Securitas USA for one of its largest portfolios in the region, 由垂直市场组成,如BOMA, 商业地产, 数据中心, 制造业, 医疗保健, 建筑和零售. 亚当专注于最高水平的训练, P4P人员的发展和继续教育. 他致力于继续提供高质量的产品, 增值, P4P客户端综合战略安全服务.

保罗欧姆执行副校长兼校长保罗欧姆: 美国悲剧的一天.S. 保罗·欧姆(保罗欧姆)的历史促使他投身安保行业. 就在911十大网赌靠谱网址发生几天后, 2001年恐怖袭击, 他应征加入了美国陆军, quickly rose through the ranks and was recruited to become a ranger – a premier special operations force of elite soldiers who specialize in joint operation raids and forcible entry operations. 在服役五次之后, Paul returned to Chicago and began contract security work for AlliedBarton (now Allied Universal), 在那里他管理的投资组合包括BOMA/十大网赌靠谱网址平台办公楼. He then led security for a high-profile downtown Chicago high-rise and went on to serve as the Director of Safety and Security for the University of Chicago. His professional affiliations connected him with P4P co-founders Lawrence Doria and 亚当·约翰逊, 是谁最终把他招进了他们日益壮大的公司.

执行副校长兼校长Steve Vitale: 意大利移民的孩子, Steve’s entrepreneurial spirit was ignited early in life as his parents worked to build a better life for his sisters and him. 年轻的时候, Steve’s natural sales acumen and ability to build strong relationships led him to become the youngest master-certified salesperson for a Chicago Mercedes-Benz dealer. 史蒂夫随后被招募到商业地产工作, 他的部分职责包括大楼的安全需求. 他会见了P4P联合创始人劳伦斯·多里亚, 他当时在Securitas USA工作,后来成了史蒂夫的导师. Lawrence recruited Steve for business development at Securitas before he left the firm. The two remained in contact over the years and Lawrence continued to mentor Steve as he ultimately became the Securitas Pacific Region Vice President (which includes California and Hawaii) overseeing 15,000名员工和7.5亿美元的投资组合.劳伦斯在2020年邀请史蒂夫帮助建立P4P, 战略重点是综合防护解决方案, 运营与销售.


P4保护服务(P4P)总部位于唐纳斯格罗夫, 伊利诺斯州,在十大网赌靠谱网址平台北河社区设有办事处. 成立于2020年, P4P provides highly trained civilian security officers who meet a range of security needs in all verticals, 无论工作范围或地点. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 P4Protective.com.